gratitude & hoopla: Onward Sidewise: Musing about a Blogging Change

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


Onward Sidewise: Musing about a Blogging Change

Well, it certainly has been hard for me to keep at this blogging thing lately. This has been the first unplanned extended gap in my blogging since I began 3 years ago. But it's good to remember that, well, it's just no big deal. After all, blogging, like so many things, is destined to pass away. You did know that, didn't you?

So I'm thinking about a drastic change. I kind of feel as if the posting had become somewhat forced and joyless in the last few months anyway. So I'm getting that feeling that what I ought to do is close g&h down at last, and possibly begin diddling around with a new blog!

Yup, there you have it. Blogging has always been somewhat whimsical for me--an extended whimsy, to be sure--rather than clearly planned and intentional. I started blogging several years ago at Mr. Standfast, where I posted about 600 times before starting gratitude & hoopla. Now I've posted about 300 or so at g&h, and I'm once again feeling like the time is right for a change. So you see I've just about talked myself into closing this blog down and starting a new one. This isn't the last post here, but probably pretty close. I'm going to think about the mission of a new blog, and of course a good name for it, then I'm going to make the official "announcement" (not earth-shaking, certainly, but perhaps "fringe-rippling") when the time comes.

Another advantage of this, btw, is that I can use the new Blogger beta, which is a big improvement. So stay tuned for the news of the next blog, unless some other whimsy, riding a cross-current, interrupts my intention.

Does it sometimes seem like I keep moving onward sidewise?