gratitude & hoopla: A Contrast

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


A Contrast

I've met some interesting people lately. I talked to a man who was weary and broken. His life was truly in shambles and his prospects grim, but he faced his afflictions with a kind of wry humor. I spoke to him about God, and he told me gently that he wasn't sure that he could call himself a Christian, but then he thanked me warmly for my prayers.

I also talked to a man who was standing on a street corner with a flag that bore the image of a cross. Fine. Here was bold a Christian, right? But I found him to be as cold and hard a man as I have ever met, full of ugly indignation (but I'm sure he'd have called it "righteous").

Here's the thing. I liked the guy who wasn't sure he was a Christian much better than the one who boldly proclaimed it. Hmmm.