gratitude & hoopla: More on Colossians 4:2-4

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


More on Colossians 4:2-4

Paul advises the Colossians to pray unceasingly, with watchfulness and thanksgiving, and then asks that they pray for him--specifically, that a door may be opened for the Word (that a door may be opened for him to speak/declare/proclaim "the mystery of Christ"). Paul, you will recall, is writing this letter from his first Roman imprisonment. His goal is and has ever been to speak of the mystery of Christ everywhere, even in the midst of hardship, and always to "make it clear."

Shouldn't that be our goal, too. As I said yesterday, I personally have not often spoken with people outside the church about Jesus. It's really rather sad, come to think of it. But before I left for my recent vacation, I sat down and wrote out three major goals, or points of focus, that I wanted to work on in my life.
1. To love and honor every person I deal with throughout the day
2. To pray watchfully--that is, to be watchful of the need for prayer throughout the day and to leap quickly into that situation with prayer
3. To talk about Jesus with people ("proclaim the mystery of Christ")
All three of these goals, taken together, describe oa lifestyle that is far beyond what I am living or have ever lived. God, give me the grace to grow in these three areas.