gratitude & hoopla: Ephesians Every Month

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


Ephesians Every Month

I'm coming in a little late on this, but it's intriguing to me. Chris Hamer-Hodges has begun the practice of reading Ephesians every month. That's right, every month. He doesn't say, "Every month for a year," but every month, period.

The reading schedule looks like this:
Week 1
Monday 1:1-10, Tuesday 1:11-14, Wednesday 1:15-23, Thursday 2:1-10, Friday 2:11-18

Week 2

Monday 2:19-21, Tuesday 3:1-6, Wednesday 3:7-13, Thursday 3:13-21, Friday 4:1-6

Week 3
Monday 4:7-16, Tuesday 4:17-24, Wednesday 4:25-5:2, Thursday 5:3-7, Friday 5:8-14

Week 4

Monday 5:15-21, Tuesday 5:22-33, Wednesday 6:1-9, Thursday 6:10-20, Friday 6:21-24
I don't know that I want to start this just now, but it's an interesting idea, no? I think it might be a good practice for 6 to 12 months.