Think about it!
"...Pentecostal and Charismatic believers appear to have no problem accepting the notion that God may grant a 'word of wisdom' or a 'word of knowledge,' revealing information about ordinary life in an extraordinary way — and this is good. Yet many of us seem reluctant to embrace the idea that the Christian can glorify God by diligently studying ordinary or religious topics for the sake of mastering them and sharing them with others. Hundreds of times I've seen believers awed and impressed by the one who claims a 'word of knowledge.' Yet hundreds of times I've seen the same believers bored at the words of knowledge that were mined through arduous prayer and study. Why is this? Mishandling and/or misunderstanding certain Scripture passages about the nature of knowledge and the mind can easily lead to this tainted approach. Often combined with this is an unhealthy lust for the sensational. Other than these two pitfalls, there seems ultimately little excuse for this contradictory way of thinking. But it's this very line of reasoning (or lack of reasoning) that has hampered us in the realm of recapturing the intellectual dimension of paradise lost...." from Full Gospel, Fractured Minds? A Call to Use God's Gift of the Intellect, by Rick M. Nañez,
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