Aphorisms 'R' Us
Nate at Eight Strings has written another impassioned and hard-hitting post, this one called Repentance and "Cultural Drek". Be sure to read the comments as well. The interaction going on over there is a nice example of truth-seeking through dialogue within the blogosphere. Nate's writing is highly aphoristic. My two favorite examples from this post:
1) "Spirit-stifling self-absorption"--man, there's a phrase I'll probably find frequent use for. And would it be going too far to call this an epidemic in the church?One of Nate's regular commenters is his good friend Marian. Her comment (#3) is also a very worthwhile read. Marian said:
2) "I fully expect the Church to be a battered and bleeding marathon runner, limping for the finish line, but we will cross it!" Nate, where the heck did you get such wisdom? You are so right. Triumphalistic attitudes in the church are, therefore, seriously dissonant notes.
"God is on the move--let's bless what He is doing--let's not wound His church anymore by railing or becoming God's holy correctors...."Yup, I definitely need to hang that one on my computer monitor. Thanks, Marian, for a word fitly spoken.
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