gratitude & hoopla: Three

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton



David, the Jollyblogger, is reposting some oldies but goodies. In Repentence for the Believer vs. the Unbeliever he writes:
I don't think we can talk about faith building and growing in discipleship apart from repentance. After all, what is Christian growth about? It is about the continual battle with and victory over sin. Christian growth is all about the Romans 7 struggle. It is not about primarily about learning more, doing more and behaving better. It is about winning the war against indwelling sin. And indwelling sin is only conquered through continued application of the gospel, along with faith and repentance.
At Some Thoughts Aron has been posting lengthy quotes from Owen and from Calvin. Rich fare, that. Here's a gem from John Owen:
The humbling of our souls before the Lord Christ, from an apprehension of his divine excellencies--the ascription of glory, honour, praise, with thanksgiving unto him, on the great motive of the work of redemption with the blessed effects thereof--are things wherein the life of faith is continually exercised; nor can we have any evidence of an interest in that blessedness which consists in the eternal assignation of all glory and praise unto him in heaven, if we are not exercised unto this worship of him here on earth.
And Nate at Eight Strings said something a few days back that continues to haunt my thoughts:
Realize that you just don't have "the goods." Believe, live it, love it. You got nothin'. Anything you think you have is actually His. You're not spiritual. You're not rich. You're not talented. God is. The only way to let God's power rest upon you is to know that you are incapable. If you think you earned anything, I guess God's grace is not for you. Don't blame me, I'm just the messenger. (Ps. 14:3, 2Cor 12:9-11)