gratitude & hoopla: On Prayer

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


On Prayer

James Montgomery Boice imagines the Devil's attitude toward the American church:
You Americans are so religious. You have big churches and large budgets. You have so many great religious works. But do you think I care about your big churches and large budgets and many religious works? I have no fear of them at all, as long as you are not praying. In fact, I will even use them to keep you from praying. Ha! Ha! Ha! Build your great church plants. Raise your millions. Start your great evangelistic enterprises. Launch your social programs. They will accomplish no more of lasting spiritual value than the work of secular agencies, and in time I will control them, too, as long as you are not praying. Do you think I fear you? The only one I fear is God, and the only power I fear is his power, which is released through prayer.
from The Glory of God's Grace (p. 188)