gratitude & hoopla: Threesome

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton



My good friend Leah is blogging! She's homeschooling little Judah, and blogging the adventure. Judah, aka "rascal," wants to be a superhero someday, hence the name of the blog is Super Hero Home School. Here's a recent exchange between Judah and Leah
Judah: "hey mom, i prayed for powers today, but God didn't give me none."

Leah: "you don't get them till your in your twenties son."
What a riot!


Aron at Some Thoughts is highly recommending Solo Femininity. I take Aron's advice very seriously, hence . . . SF is now on the blogroll. Oh, and btw, Aron also reviewed Mahaney's new book, Humility, in this post. Also, you can find a nice interview with Mahaney over at Adrian's UK Blog.


Mahaney, like Adrian (for example), considers himself both reformed and charismatic. And so does Sam Storms of Enjoying God Ministries. In fact, Sam has written a book on the subject, called Convergence: Spiritual Journeys of a Charismatic Calvinist. To give you a sense of where he's coming from, just look at the title of his introductory chapter: "What hath Orlando to do with Anaheim?" Ha! That one's going on my to-read list for sure.