gratitude & hoopla: Bookish Still

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


Bookish Still

Wow, what's with all this engaging discussion in my comments lately? I'm just not used to that. In fact, I tend to avoid contentious issues here at g & h. Nevertheless, contention happens! The model for how to handle it is in the Bible. Ranting is, I believe, out of the question. I'm a ranter from way back, and occasionally get carried away in this regard, but always to my own profound embarrassment. I'm happy to see that my commenters have been careful, polite, and engaging.


I told you yesterday about the books I've just purchased. Then, last night, on my way home from work, I stopped off at our local public library, which was holding a book sale. Oh my! Now I've added Stu Weber's Tender Warriors, A. W. Pink's The Attributes of God, Leanne Payne's Real Presence, Philip Yancey's The Jesus I Never Knew, and David Jeremiah's somewhat luridly titled Escape the Coming Night. All these for just 8 smackers!

The Weber book is probably the next on my list. Over at the The Thinklings a few months back, Jared listed a bunch of popular Christian titles, and then his suggested "better" alternatives. Jared's alternative to Eldredge's Wild at Heart (which I will probably never read anyway) was Weber's Tender Warrior. Any recommendation by Jared is good enough for me. BTW, the whole "Popular v. Better" list is here.