gratitude & hoopla: Bible Reading Plan

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


Bible Reading Plan

As I mentioned in my last post, I'm nearing the end of a Bible-in-a-year plan. Vicki expressed some interest in this, so here's more detail. It's called the M'Cheyne Reading Plan, and is named after the 19th century Scotsman who conceived it. M'Cheyne divided the Bible into three roughly equal segments.

  • The historical books (Geneisis through 2 Chronicles)
  • The rest of the Old Testament (minus The Psalms)
  • The New Testament and Psalms

  • So, each day you read one chapter from the first set, another from the second, and two from the third. By this means, you can read through the OT once, and the Psalms and NT twice in the course of the year.

    In addition, I've been supplementing all this with a daily reading from D. A. Carson's devotional, For the Love of God (vol. 1), which is directly tied to the M'Cheyne plan. Carson's purpose is to help the reader track the "golden thread" of the Gospel through the Scriptures. This book has been an invaluable help in simply keeping me on track and focused, helping me to see both the forest and the trees.

    BTW: In a couple of weeks I will have completed the cycle, but I've already acquired For the Love of God (Vol. 2), so I plan to simply start over again.