gratitude & hoopla: What's it all about?

gratitude & hoopla

"Nothing taken for granted; everything received with gratitude; everything passed on with grace." G. K. Chesterton


What's it all about?

So what's all this about? Does gratitude & hoopla have a mission statement? Is this a ministry? Why should anyone be interested in what I have to say?

Answers: 1) I don't really know yet. 2) No. 3) Kind of, I guess (or maybe not). 4) I don't know.

As I said in my closing post at Mr. Standfast, this is just me talking. Me. I'm gratified when people link up, listen, respond. I love it. But honestly, I'm not making any claim to wisdom, authority, anything. It's just me talking.

So what's it all about? What can you expect from me? Well, I read a lot, so I expect to share excerpts from these books in the hope that they might bless you as they have blessed me.

Also, I intend to give thanks to God here, a lot. The previous post, thanking God that my sister and her family had survived Katrina, will probably be a repeated motif. Thankfulness is a spiritual discipline that blesses its practitioner in a big way. It's cleansing. So I warn you, I'm going to practice this with fervent redundancy!

Oh, and by the way, it's personal. That's right, g&h is "all about me," sort of. I know that sounds incredibly self-serving, but hey, as I keep saying, this is just me talking. I'm going to talk about my stuff once in a while, simply because it can be healthy to do so. I'm not here to tilt at windmills of heresy, I'm not here to post rants, correct errors, hold forth in authoritative tones on politics, Scripture, truth, whatever. No, it's just me talking. Musing. Guessing. Thanking God. Sharing the good I find, and letting go of the rest.

There. That's what gratitude & hoopla is all about. God is good. God is strong. God is wise. And God is in control.

And I'm just so very glad about that.